Friday, October 12, 2007

A Day In the Life of a Nanny...

Well friends, finally I have some pictures of the precious little girls that I babysit for four days a week. The two little ones are twins and the oldest girl is 5. They are a ton of fun and it's a great family. I am so blessed. On this particular day we were finger painting. If you look closely you can see the artistry of the little ones. Clean up is just as much fun as you imagine! (:


Allison said...

Oh funtimes Hot Pants! It looks like you are having so much fun over there. I miss you..and your hot pants!

Anonymous said...

i want you to babysit me. you're so much fun!!

Bethany O'Bryant said...

That looks like so much fun!! Gideon and I finger paint sometimes,but it looks like more fun with you around, want to come finger paint with us?

Hollie Carson said...

for real, will you be my nanny? donna and i will be good.

Anonymous said...

You are the best! We love you and I would be a CRAZY women without you!

Tell all your buddies you are not for hire, my 3 little ones love you to much to let you go anytime soon!

What is this about Hot Pants? Should I be concerned about what kind of influence you are to our precious daughters? HA!
Love ya! Linda