Sunday, October 18, 2009

Something Old Something New

First things first, despite the following pictures, David and I did NOT recently give birth to any babies! However, our friends Nathaniel and Courtney gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl, Ragan Delaney on Thursday. We have had so much fun welcoming her into the world.

As you may have noticed the title is "Something old, something new." We also got an old "new couch" which we are very excited about.(it's the larger one on the right) This couch was a couch that had been loved on for years by the family that employs me and this weekend it made it into our family. Prior to our new couch David and I were cuddling on a little love seat and our poor friends were scrounging around for seating. So, now, we can have more friends over at once and they can actually sit comfortably!

This is the new baby Ragan! David is so sweet. At one point during her brief stay at our apartment David glanced over and half excited, half concerned, said, "Oh, she's moving her feet." It seemed to concern him a little but she was just wiggling in her sleep. It was cute. David will be a great Dad one day. Doesn't he look like a natural?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

our state fair is a great state fair....

Anybody recognize the "State Fair" musical reference? Well, it's difficult for me to call it "our" state fair because I don't quite feel like I can call Texas my state yet, none the less, it is a great fair. The pictures really tell the story itself. In total I consumed 1/2 funnel cake, 1 corny dog, 1 fried cookie dough ball, 1 fried butter ball, a few pieces of a fried moon pie and various other free samples around the park. I don't even get to spend a few days in a cocoon and emerge as a beautiful butterfly to show for it! We also listened to music and watched some grown men dressed up like pirates jump from ridiculous heights into 10 feet of water. All in all it was an entertaining day!

Pictured left to right: Fried cookie dough, fried moon pie, and fried butter. Fried cookie dough remains my favorite although the butter was good despite the way it sounds. They poured honey and cinnamon and sugar on it so you can't go wrong.

Interesting featured food (those prices are not dollars, they're tickets)

Our friends Nathan and Amanda joined us!

Fletcher's corny dogs get raves from the locals. We all ate one. (yes, we took in more fried food than one should in one weekend)

This is Big Tex here waving good bye until next year.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

David's Latest painting

David has finished yet another great painting! This one is a gift for some dear friends who are expecting their first baby. I believe he is going to create another to go along with it, but this is his latest! Isn't he talented? It's so cute and the mom-to-be loves it!

Just a reminder to anyone tuning in on the blog, David and I do NOT have children! I happily watch these two kiddos and their older sister for my "job." They're so cute, and I like to feature them here so their mom can see the pictures too! All that said, we traveled to the Dallas Arboretum this week. This is my second year to see the Fall Pumpkin Festival. It's mainly for the kids. There is a little hay maze and tons of pumpkins. There was another great exhibit on display too. I forgot to take pictures! It was basically a display of homes from various children's literature. There was a pirate ship from Treasure Island, Hansel and Gretel's house, Alice and Wonderland House, and others. It was very creative and lots of fun. So, yippee for Fall. The weather is slightly cooler here in Dallas, we even have the windows open this morning!

Jane took these two pictures, the pumpkins, and me!

This is Sarah striking one of her "model" poses! She's so funny!