Sunday, October 11, 2009

our state fair is a great state fair....

Anybody recognize the "State Fair" musical reference? Well, it's difficult for me to call it "our" state fair because I don't quite feel like I can call Texas my state yet, none the less, it is a great fair. The pictures really tell the story itself. In total I consumed 1/2 funnel cake, 1 corny dog, 1 fried cookie dough ball, 1 fried butter ball, a few pieces of a fried moon pie and various other free samples around the park. I don't even get to spend a few days in a cocoon and emerge as a beautiful butterfly to show for it! We also listened to music and watched some grown men dressed up like pirates jump from ridiculous heights into 10 feet of water. All in all it was an entertaining day!

Pictured left to right: Fried cookie dough, fried moon pie, and fried butter. Fried cookie dough remains my favorite although the butter was good despite the way it sounds. They poured honey and cinnamon and sugar on it so you can't go wrong.

Interesting featured food (those prices are not dollars, they're tickets)

Our friends Nathan and Amanda joined us!

Fletcher's corny dogs get raves from the locals. We all ate one. (yes, we took in more fried food than one should in one weekend)

This is Big Tex here waving good bye until next year.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Golly! u ate a ton. i love your pics. i put our pics from the fair up on our blog. love you!