Sunday, September 6, 2009

Labor Day Camping

Great way to make s'mores when there is a fire ban.

Gorman Falls

Colorado River

Natural Springs

We headed down to Colorado Bend State Park for Labor Day weekend! It took us 5 hours to get there! We thought it was going to take 2-3. Imagine our surprise when we landed there around 11:30 pm! I forgot to take pictures of us setting up but it was fun, was raining and pitch black dark. We didn't have a clue as to where we were going! We just stumbled upon a site and took it! It turned out to be a great site. We met our neighbors and ended up having a Sunday morning devotion and the Lord's Supper with them. What a great trip! The park is really beautiful. We hope to get back and explore a few more trails and kayak the river when it's a little higher.

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