Saturday, November 10, 2007

Two week break!

So, the great thing about this school is that we get a full week off of classes for a "Reading Week" where we should be using the time to accomplish reading a lot of the books we've been assigned. Then we get a full week off for Thanksgiving! Yay!! So, today marks my first official day of the break. I intend to do A LOT of school work. But, that's what I'm here for right?

On a side note: The high in Dallas today is 81 degrees my friends! Can you believe it? 81!! Good grief. I guess we'll see if it gets that hot or not. I am however wearing sandals today. I can't believe it's breaking into mid-November. I hope where ever you are you are enjoying your weather. If you're a GA friend, I'm praying for you. I know you need some rain.

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